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Cabaret & Festivals

2019 LGBT Pride

For the last three years (2016 to 2019) Homo Promos has organised a kind of LGBT Pride celebration at the Ivy House in Stuart Road, Nunhead.

This is a community pub owned by hundreds of local shareholders and run by an elected management committee on a not-for-profit basis.

Ivy House

In 2019 we put on the wonderful Thom Fitzgerald film, Cloudburst.

This spirited and inspirational tale appealed especially to the older lesbian audience, who really identified with the two veterans Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker, on the run to Canada to get married so that a homophobic granddaughter couldn't put them in a care home and separate them.

The Capital Quiz Cup was won MCC+ in a Queer Quiz which nevertheless saw non-LGBT teams scoring quite highly. The cup remains with them until 2021 Pride.

The Capital Quiz Cup

The Queer Cabaret Night attracted a good turn‐out to support Alex and the Loud and Queerly troupe. Alex organises cabaret workshops in Camden and used this to give some new performers a try‐out to boost confidence.

Coming Out ‐ Ready or Not

Peter and Consenting Adults in Public (Homo Promos’ previous incarnation) organised the first mega‐benefit in the country, in aid of Lesbian Line and London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard, as it was then, which took place in December 1982.

Learn all about the glamour and excitement of the event, which was called Coming Out ‐ Ready or Not and listen to the songs.

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