The gay theatre group Homo Promos was founded in 1988 as a response to Section 28, which forbade councils from ‘intentionally promoting homosexuality’.
Section 28 got the chop in 2003, but all these years later Homo Promos marches on.
This website tells the story of its numerous productions, its community activities and its current plans.
Peter Scott‐Presland is the founder/director of Homo Promos and has written much of its material.
He has also been a journalist, historian, and songwriter, and is a compiler of crosswords.
Homo Promos Theatre Company has also received an International Award
To learn more about Homo Promos, explore the various pages of this website.
See our HP Shop page and the Digital Download of Coming Out - Ready or Not.
Stay in touch and get news of Homo Promos productions, and news and events for Paradise Press and Gay Authors Workshop by joining our Mailing List. Your details will be kept confidential and only used for this purpose.
We've discovered there's real talent and appetite for what is called micro-fiction; stories even shorter than flash fiction.
Stories in six words are popular, for example ‘Met on Demonstration’, ‘Married’, ‘Still Protesting’.
In response to this we are instituting an additional prize in the Flash Dances competition. Forty for Forty will award a £40 prize for the best story under 40 words, i.e. £1 a word. That would have made Proust a millionaire!
If you're lured by this vast wealth and would like to submit your forty-word story, use this Submission Form.
Deadline for all submissions is 30 June 2024.
Homo Promos director, Peter Scott-Presland, is joining forces with writer Stephanie Dickinson to edit Flash Dances: 100 Little Queer Stories for Paradise Press.
They invite any writers on the LGBT+ spectrum to contribute stories or narrative poems to this anthology of Flash Fiction, to be published late summer 2024. These do not have to be queer in content; any subject matter is acceptable. There are prizes too!
The video of the Cockpit performance of 1944: Home Fires is now available to view plus the Classic FM article about its cancellation at HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs.
Carl Davis (1936 - 2023) wasn’t only a brilliant composer of film and TV music, he wrote some great songs.
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On Friday 19 January 2024 at 8.40 a.m., composer Robert Ely wrote "leaving only the Wilde portrait illuminated", "ppp" and "Finis" at the end of the score for 2001: Hitched, the final section and epilogue of A Gay Century.
One of the most ambitious works of gay art, of queer theatre and indeed in the whole of opera, was finally completed. Seventeen episodes, seven and a half years' work and 19 hours 55 minutes of music.
Few outside Wagner have had such vision and scope. It is a unique achievement. We are insufferably proud of it. See A Gay Century to get the measure of this great cycle.